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Tomorrow's Filmmakers
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Tomorrow's Filmmakers Affiliate Program (3:13)
1 Hour Filmmaking Webinar 2019 - Replay (85:12)
Downloads (1:42)
WATCH FIRST - How The Discounts Work (5:00)
ALL Discounts
50% Off 90 Day Filmmaker
Gear Guide
Hand Picked By Filmmakers - (READ FIRST)
Gear Guides
1.1 - 8 Things to Look for When Buying a Camera (8:51)
1.2 - ISO (6:20)
1.3 - Shutter Speed (10:03)
1.4 - Aperture (13:40)
1.5 - The Juggling Act (How to Run Your Camera) (8:59)
1.6 - All About Lenses (11:03)
1.7 - Zoom Lenses (16:52)
1.8 - Prime Lenses (6:16)
1.9 - What Lens Should I Buy (16:07)
1.10 - Canon L Series Lenses (11:59)
1.11 - Field Recorders (9:38)
1.12 - Microphones 101 (6:42)
1.13 - 6 Steps to Improve Your Audio (10:46)
1.14 - Mic Placement (7:39)
1.15 - Audio Recorder Settings (6:33)
1.16 - What Microphone to Buy (10:02)
1.17 - Where to Find Music (18:02)
1.18 - 6 Tips to Improve Your Filmmaking (9:08)
1.19 - What Camera To Buy (10:37)
The Basics-FILMMAKING: Quiz
8 Steps to Cinematic Composition (13:59)
8 Steps to Cinematic Lighting (16:57)
8 Steps to Cinematic Movement (13:52)
2.1 - Camera Angles (4:22)
2.2 - Camera Movement (10:14)
2.3 - 180 Degree Rule (8:01)
2.4 - Rule of Thirds (10:02)
2.5 - Types of Shots (10:50)
2.6 - Cuts and Transitions (12:04)
2.7 - Cinematic Transitions (13:25)
2.8 - Storyboarding (13:52)
2.9 - 3 Point Lighting (6:29)
2.10 - Direction of Light (8:55)
2.11 - Bouncing Light (7:13)
2.12 - Shot Designer (Amazing Filmmaking App) (20:37)
The Basics - COMPOSITION: Quiz
The Basics - Equipment
3.1 - All About Memory Cards (14:53)
3.2 - Tripods (9:33)
3.3 - Sliders (6:23)
3.4 - Stabilizers 101 (7:31)
3.5 - What Stabilizer Should I Get? (9:16)
3.6 - Balancing Curved Stabilizer (6:45)
3.7 - Balancing Glidecam Stabilizer (9:57)
3.8 - Balancing DJI Ronin-M (9:20)
3.9 - Balancing DJI Ronin-S (Emmaus Vanderbilt) (5:59)
3.10 - How to Operate Your Glidecam (6:18)
3.11 - Top Glidecam Movements (4:39)
3.12 - Top Glidecam Tips and Tricks (10:58)
3.13 - Tripod Hacks (9:09)
3.14 - Top Gimbal Tips and Tricks (11:17)
The Basics - Equipment: Quiz
3.15 - How To Build The Ultimate Editing Desk (15:45)
Business (90 Day Filmmaker - SNEAK PEAK)
Get 90 Day Filmmaker for 70% OFF!
What Is 90 Day Filmmaker? (9:13)
Your Business Timeline (6:01)
90.1 (WEEK 1) - 5 Steps to a Successful Film Business (18:23)
90.2 (WEEK 1) - How an 18 Year Old Grew His Film Business to $100,000+ a Year (19:44)
90.3 (WEEK 1) - The Essential Equipment (10:41)
90.4 (WEEK 1) - Naming Your Business (7:34)
90.5 (WEEK 1) - Creating Your Logo (7:20)
90.6 (WEEK 2) - Getting Your first Clients (8:18)
90.7 (WEEK 3) -Demo Reel 101 (5:34)
90.8 (WEEK 3) - Building Your Demo Reel (13:02)
90.9 (WEEK 6) - Your First Meeting with a Client (8:48)
90.10 (WEEK 6) - Interviews Part 1 (Location, Composition, and Background) (11:12)
90.10 (WEEK 6) - Interviews Part 2 (Lighting and Movement) (8:48)
90.11 (WEEK 6) - Setting Up An Interview (Virtual Job Shadow) (17:02)
90.12 (WEEK 8) - What to Charge (12:29)
90.13 (WEEK 8) - Pricing a Wedding (10:16)
90.14 (WEEK 8) - Pricing Real Estate (6:43)
90.15 (WEEK 8) - Cold Emails 101 (12:57)
90.16 (WEEK 8) - (Student Feedback) Cold Emails/Website) (11:21)
90.17 (WEEK 12) - Setting up a Business Account/LLC (5:41)
90.18 (WEEK 12) - Setting Up Your Bank Account (3:52)
90.19 (WEEK 12) - Taxes 101 (3:35)
90.20 (WEEK 12) - Paying Your Taxes (3:22)
8.1 - Writing 101 (3:40)
8.2 - Coming Up with an Idea (9:13)
8.3 - Brainstorming (7:02)
8.4 - Inspiration (4:22)
8.5 - The Hero's Journey (12:42)
8.6 - Piecing Your Ideas Together (5:43)
8.7 - Basic Character Archetypes (8:43)
8.8 - Creating Heroes (10:52)
8.9 - Creating Villains (7:11)
8.10 - How to Write Lost People (12:02)
8.11 - Writing the Gospel (12:55)
8.12 - How to Avoid Cheese (16:34)
8.13 - Scriptwriting Software (8:06)
8.14 - Screenplay Formatting, Part 1 (9:39)
8.15 = Screenplay Formatting, Part 2 (11:29)
Writing - Quiz
Cameras - LEARN MORE
2.5 - Why a DSLR (15:09)
2.6 - DSLR vs. Handycam (10:28)
2.8 - How to Film With a Cell Phone (12:51)
2.9 = Filmmaking Apps 101 (11:27)
2.10 - White Balance 101 (12:25)
2.11 - Adjusting Your White Balance (12:25)
2.12 - Frame Rates (10:39)
2.13 - Slow Motion (9:04)
2.14 - Picture Styles (7:37)
2.15.1 - Setting Up Your Picture Style (6:53)
2.15.2 - How To Download Technicolor Cinestyle (3:39)
2.16 - Canon C100 Mark II Review (19:01)
2.17 - Canon C200 Overview and Review (21:14)
Cameras - Quiz
9.12 - Gun Props (13:29)
9.13 - How to Make Your Gun Props Look Realistic (9:18)
9.14 - DIY Captain America Shield (19:10)
9.15 - DIY Lightsaber Prop (13:17)
4.6 - DIY Boom Pole (13:38)
5.4 - DIY Bounce Board (12:48)
5.6 - DIY Light Bar (10:17)
4.10 = DIY Vocal Booth (6:42)
5.5 - Chinese Lanterns (8:51)
3.6 - 50mm Shootout (20:41)
4.5 - Recording Foley (9:53)
4.7 - Compose Your Own Music (13:28)
4.8 - Filmstro Overview (12:12)
4.4 - The Importance of Music (9:28)
1.1 - The Power of Cinema (10:28)
1.2 - The Importance of Christian Filmmaking (7:37)
1.3 - The Importance of Music (9:28)
1.4 - Discouragement (8:15)
1.5 - Negative Criticism (7:26)
1.6 - Color in Storytelling (11:17)
1.7 - The Problem With Christian Movies (12:25)
1.8 - Cowardly Filmmaking (10:52)
1.9 - Film Crew, Part 1 (13:50)
1.10 - Film Crew, Part 2 (19:27)
1.11 - How to Get Into Filmmaking (15:54)
1.13 - Signs Analyzed (35:52)
1.14 - Silence Analyzed (45:49)
1.15 - The Force Awakens vs. Rogue One (14:01)
1.16 - Aspect Ratios (15:27)
1.17 - Aspect Ratios: How to Use Them (11:12)
Theory - Quiz
Audio Cinema Course - Taught by Joseph Santoyo
5.1 - The Importance of Sound (2:19)
5.2 - What You Need To Record Audio (2:13)
5.3 - Cables (5:07)
5.4 - Field Recorders (Part 1) (4:49)
5.5 - Field Recorders (Part 2) (2:58)
5.6 - Field Recorder Settings (15:12)
5.7 - Preamps (1:23)
5.8 - The Basics of a Wireless System (3:26)
5.9 - Connecting a Wireless System (8:32)
5.10 - Accessories (Audio Adapters and Scissors) (3:50)
5.11 - Accessories (Audio Bag and Harness) (3:39)
5.12 - Accessories (Audio Cases and Gear Organization) (5:57)
5.13 - Accessories (Bongo and Rip Ties) (2:45)
5.14 - Accessories (Boom Pole Holder) (1:03)
5.15 - Accessories (Furniture and Shoe Pads) (3:54)
5.16 - Accessories (IFB and Chairs) (2:28)
5.17 - Accessories (Straps and Snakes) (4:23)
5.18 - Wind Protection (3:15)
5.19 - Timecode (4:43)
5.20 - Lavalier Mics (8:22)
5.21 - General Principles of Wiring a Subject (6:48)
5.22 - Wiring Etiquette (4:31)
5.23 - Micing a Female (Skin) (2:29)
5.24 - Micing a Female (Collar, Neckline) (2:56)
5.25 - Micing a Female (Bra) (1:11)
5.26 - Micing a Male (Skin, Dress Shirt) (2:56)
5.27 - Micing a Male (Tie) (2:20)
5.28 - Micing a Subject Summary (2:13)
5.29 - Types of Boom Poles (2:39)
5.30 - Booming Technique (4:40)
5.31 - Mic Placement While Booming (13:08)
5.32 - Avoiding Shadows (3:16)
5.33 - Set Diplomacy (2:29)
5.34 - Setting Up Audio For an Interview (FULL SETUP) (22:47)
Audio Cinema Course - Quiz
Cinematography Course Taught by Kris Kimlin
CC.1 - My Story (7:25)
CC.2 - What is Cinematography (4:19)
CC.3 - The Truth About Cinematography (3:13)
CC.4 - Who is the Cinematographer (9:40)
CC.5 - Chain of Command (5:03)
CC.6 - Choosing The Material (15:15)
CC.7 - Choosing The Director (11:36)
CC.8 - Set Etiquette (9:59)
CC.9 - The Hiring Process (5:26)
CC.10 - Know Your Worth (7:09)
CC.11 - Maintain Personal Life (5:24)
CC.12 - Perception and Truth (5:35)
CC.13 - Pre-Production (7:29)
CC.14 - Prepping The Director (9:35)
CC.15 - Prepping Your Crew (9:49)
CC.16 - Choosing Your Camera (5:38)
CC.17 - Selecting Your Crew (8:42)
CC.18 - Problem Resolution (7:56)
CC.19 - Training Your Eye (12:14)
CC.20 - Finding Work (10:14)
CC.21 - The Color Process (7:49)
CC.22 - Pitching Your Vision (15:02)
CC.23 - Visual References (12:53)
CC.24 - Aspect Ratios (13:21)
CC.25 - Storyboarding (13:10)
CC.26 - Camera Blocking (12:34)
CC.27 - Camera Movement 101 (11:21)
CC.28 - Camera Movement - Dramatic (7:53)
CC.29 - Camera Movement - Action (4:24)
CC.30 - Camera Movement - Comedy (3:23)
CC.31 - Cinematic Lighting (8:15)
CC.32 - Different Lighting Scenarios (8:16)
CC.33 - Studio Lighting (9:05)
CC.34 - Dramatic Lighting (7:14)
CC.35 - Mood and Color (11:38)
CC.36 - Cinematic Framing (12:24)
CC.37 - Sweating the Details (4:42)
CC.38 - Establishing, OTS, Close Up, and the Two Shot (9:28)
CC.39 - High-Low Angle Shot (9:16)
CC.40 - The Top Down-Over Head Shot (4:54)
CC.41 - The Power of Film and Why E.T. Is My Favorite Movie (5:36)
CC.42 - Outro (0:56)
Cinematography Course -Quiz
Lighting Cinema Course Taught by Josh Ausley
L.2 - The Importance Of Light (6:10)
L.3 - Types Of Light (6:22)
L.4 - Color Tempature (3:15)
L.5 - Quality Of Light (2:29)
L.6- How to Train Your Eye (3:46)
L.7 - Creating Mood (4:12)
L.8 - What Lights To Buy (4:56)
L.9 - Building A Light Package (4:01)
L.10 (On Set) - Tech Scout (17:10)
L.11 (On Set) - C Stands (10:22)
L.12 (On Set)- Basics Of Shaping Light (10:35)
L.13 (On Set) - Light Diffusion - (11:29)
L.14 (On Set) - DIY Light Diffusion (8:44)
L.15 (On Set) - Gels (11:02)
L.16 (On Set) - Tungsten Lighting (6:43)
L.17 (On Set) - Bouncing Light (5:40)
L.18 (On Set) - Making a Booklight (4:42)
L.19 (On Set) - Beauty Lighting (10:02)
L.20 (On Set)- Outside Interview (7:36)
L.21 (On Set) - Inside Interview (13:08)
L.22 (On Set) - Interor Day (10:43)
L.23 (On Set) - Interor Day Close Up (5:20)
L.24 (On Set) - High Key Interor (7:20)
L.25 (On Set) - Low Key Interor (9:27)
L.26 (On Set) - DIY Lighting (6:25)
L.27(On Set) - Green Screen (10:56)
L.28 (On Set) - Natural Lighting (6:32)
L.29 (On Set)- Night Interor (9:22)
L.30 (On Set)- Praticals (5:39)
L.31 (On Set) - RGB Lighting (5:25)
L.32 - (BREAKDOWN) Feature Film - Ticket To Nashville (3:58)
L.33 - (BREAKDOWN) - Music Video (2:35)
L.34 - (BREAKDOWN) Commercial - Sony PlayStation (4:40)
L.35 - (BREAKDOWN) Promo - Vanity Fair (4:42)
L.36 - Outro (0:21)
Josh Ausley Recommended Lighting Equipment
Editing in Premiere Pro
7.1 - Adobe Creative Cloud (7:13)
7.4 - Taking a Tour of Premiere Pro (9:51)
7.5 - Organizing Your Projects (9:10)
7.6 - Starting a New Project (5:08)
7.7 = Importing Footage (6:46)
7.8 - Creating a New Sequence (8:25)
7.9 - Basic Timeline Editing (12:46)
7.10 - Syncing Audio in Post (9:37)
7.11 - Adding B-Roll (15:26)
7.12 - Refining the Edit (8:11)
7.13 - Basic Audio Adjustments (10:50)
7.14 - Video and Audio Transitions (11:28)
7.15 - Looping Music (14:52)
7.16 - Creating Titles (12:30)
7.17 - Keyboard Shortcuts (10:02)
7.18 - Basic Color Correction (14:18)
7.19 - Fixing Clips in Post (12:30)
7.20 - Rendering Your Project (6:19)
7.21 - Exporting Your Project (14:50)
Editing in Premiere Pro - Quiz
Editing in FCPX - Taught by Tate Kirgiss
Introduction (4:48)
FCPX.1 - Final Cut Pro Overview (4:51)
FCPX.2 - Final Cut Differences (1:55)
FCPX.3 - Inspector Window (1:35)
FCPX.4 - Effects Panel (3:23)
FCPX.5 - Audio and Color Panel (2:37)
FCPX.6 - Timeline Panel (2:35)
FCPX.7 - Preferences (6:54)
FCPX.8 - Settings (1:48)
FCPX.9 - Importing Footage (4:35)
FCPX.10 - Creating a Project (1:56)
FCPX.11 - The Magnetic Timeline (11:15)
FCPX.12 - Audio Adjustments (1:36)
FCPX.13 - Key Commands and Speed Ramping (7:15)
FCPX.14 - Compound Clips (2:58)
FCPX.15 - Effects Overview (5:14)
FCPX.16 - Stock Effects (6:55)
FCPX.17- Installing Presets and Plugins (4:58)
FCPX.18 - Transitions (2:12)
FCPX.19 - Generators (2:16)
FCPX.20 - Titles (2:23)
FCPX.21 - Keyframing (6:53)
FCPX.22 -Multicam Editing (5:54)
FCPX.23 - Color Correcting (8:45)
FCPX.24 - Exporting (8:55)
Editing in FCPX - Quiz
Editing in Hitfilm Express - Taught by Jay Haynes (FREE Editing Software)
HF.1 - How to Download Hitfilm Express (0:57)
HF.2 - HitFilm Workspace (5:09)
HF.3 - Shortcuts in HitFilm (1:42)
HF.4 - Importing Footage and other Assets (3:04)
HF.5 - Options When Working in the Viewer Window (2:50)
HF.6 - Merging Audio and Video (1:47)
HF-7 - Editor Timeline Intro (0:44)
HF.8 - Timeline Scaling (0:59)
HF.9 - Inserting Footage into your Project (4:22)
HF.10 - Changing the Track Properties (1:58)
HF.11 - Inserting and Renaming Tracks (1:08)
HF.12 - Labels (2:13)
HF.13 - Scrubbing (3:26)
HF.14 - Editor Timeline Tools (6:24)
HF.15 - Unlinking Video and Audio (1:00)
HF.16 - J and L Cuts (1:05)
HF.17 - Audio Mixer (2:43)
HF.18 - Controls Panel (3:23)
HF.19 - Introduction to Keyframes (3:05)
HF.20 - How to Use the Value Graph (4:47)
HF.21 - Search Tools (1:12)
HF.22 - Adding Effects in the Editor Timeline (2:26)
HF.23 - Right Clicking on the Media in the Editor (3:47)
HF.24 - Text and Titles in the Editor Timeline (3:10)
HF.25 - A Note about Variable Frame Rate Footage (1:47)
HF.26 - Quality and Resolution Settings (3:17)
HF.27 - Locking Tracks (0:47)
HF,28 - Masking in the Editor (1:00)
HF.29 - What is a Composite Shot (0:45)
HF.30 - How to Make a Composite Shot (2:15)
HF.31 - Different Layer Types in a Composite Shot (2:44)
HF.32 - Parenting and Snapping of Layers (2:39)
HF.33 - Layer Blend Modes (6:05)
HF.34 - Masking in a Composite Shot (4:50)
HF.35 - Keyframing in Composite Shots (2:33)
HF.36 - Tracking Part 1 - Single Point Tracking (7:31)
HF.37 - Tracking Part 2 - Double Point Tracking (5:56)
HF.38 - Text in Composite Shots (3:29)
HF.39 - Masking in a Composite Shot (4:50)
HF.40 - 3D Concepts in HitFilm (10:30)
HF.41- Motion Blur (2:27)
HF.42 - Ram Preview (3:00)
HF.43 - Prerendering (4:29)
HF.44 - Locking Layers (0:39)
HF.45 - Overview of Visual Effects (2:02)
HF.46 - 360 Video (3:10)
HF.47 - Audio (2:45)
HF.48 - Behavior (1:50)
HF.49 - Blurs (2:33)
HF.50 - Color Correction (7:28)
HF.51 - Color Grading (2:51)
HF.52 - Distort (2:51)
HF.53 - Generate (6:01)
HF.54 - Gradients and Fills (0:58)
HF.55 - Grunge (1:43)
HF.56 - Keying (4:42)
HF.57 - Lights and Flares (2:30)
HF.58 - Particle and Simulation (2:36)
HF.59 - Quick 3D Effects (3:50)
HF.60 - Scene and Sharpen (1:05)
HF.61 - Stylize (1:50)
HF.62 - Temporal (1:31)
HF.63 - Video Clean Up (1:14)
HF.64 - Warp (1:39)
HF.65- Presets (3:10)
HF.66 - Templates (2:03)
HF.68 - Online Resources (1:44)
HF.67 - Exporting your Project File (3:29)
Editing in Hitfilm Express - Quiz
Color Grading Cinema Course - Taught by Barrett Kaufman
Color Grading Course Intro (1:02)
CG.1 - What is a Colorist? (3:00)
CG.2 - Correction vs Grading (4:22)
CG.3 - Color Grading Tools (9:57)
CG.4 - Intro To Resolve (7:54)
CG.5 - Scopes (7:35)
CG.6 - NODES (6:15)
CG.7 - Grading 101 (17:16)
CG.8 - Color Grading For Editors (7:49)
CG.9 - Orange and Teal (3:10)
CG.10 = Bleach Bypass (2:22)
CG.11 - Golden Hour (1:39)
CG.12 - Rainy Day (1:35)
CG.13 - Color Surfaces (3:26)
CG.14 - Monitor Calibration (4:07)
CG.15 - Cameras are Not Created Equal (5:13)
CG.16 - LUTS (6:00)
CG.17 - NLE to Resolve (7:23)
CG.18 - Resolve to NLE (6:16)
Color Grading Cinema Course - Quiz
Wedding Cinema Course - Taught by Emmaus Vanderbilt
W.1 - Introduction (4:29)
W.2 (My Story) - How An 18 Year Old Grew His Film Business To Make $100,000 a Year! (19:44)
W.2 - Intro To Equipment (3:24)
W.4 - Camera, Lenses, and Memory Cards (10:56)
W.5 - Audio (5:12)
W.6 - Stabilizers (3:05)
W.7 - Drones (3:25)
W.8 - Storage Solutions (4:38)
W.9 - Lighting (3:02)
W.10 - Life Saving Accessories (5:37)
W.11 - Intro to Technical (1:36)
W.12 - Wedding Starter Kit (1:59)
W.13 - Frame Rates (4:33)
W.14 - Focal Length (3:45)
W.15 - Microphone Placement (6:55)
W.16 - Microphone Placement Part 2 (7:35)
W.17 - Intro to Shooting (1:26)
W.18 - Overview of the Wedding Day (2:17)
W.19 - Shooting Establishing Shots and Details (5:10)
W.20 - Shooting Getting Ready (8:09)
W.21 - Shooting First Looks (10:54)
W.22 - Shooting Other Pre-Ceremony Shots (2:54)
W.23 - Shooting Ceremonies (14:46)
W.24 - Shooting Pictures/Posing Couples (3:35)
W.25 - Overview of the Reception (1:50)
W.26 - Shooting Introductions (2:12)
W.27 - Shooting First Dances (3:22)
W.28 - Not Shooting Dinner (2:24)
W.29 - Shooting Toasts and Speeches (1:24)
W.30 - Shooting Cutting the Cake (2:38)
W.31 - Shooting Bouquet and Garder Toss (3:39)
W.32 - Shooting The Dance Floor (3:56)
W.33 - Shooting the Grand Exit (4:33)
W.34 - Intro To Editing (1:00)
W.35 - How I Edit A Wedding Video In 4 Hours (4:32)
W.36 - Backing Up Your Footage (5:02)
W.37 - Starting A New Project- Sorting Footage (4:36)
W.38 - Sifting (8:15)
W.39 - Finding Music (5:36)
W.40 - Editing To Music (19:33)
W.41 - Intertwining vows-speeches into your edit (14:16)
W.42 - Using B-Roll And Other Footage (25:27)
W.43 - Color Correction (8:52)
W.44 - Light Leaks (7:22)
W.45 - Final Tweaks (4:19)
W.46 - Exporting (2:49)
W.47 - Creating a thumbnail and uploading (7:01)
W.48 - Intro to Business and Marketing (1:08)
W.49 - Number 1 Secret to Growing Your Business (Spiritual) (3:39)
W.50 - Number 1 Secret to Growing Your Business (Practical) (4:55)
W.50 - What should I charge (5:35)
W.51 - Leveraging Social Media (9:24)
W.52 - 4 Tips to Increase Your Following (8:52)
W.53 - Methods of Advertising (4:13)
W.54 - Inquiry and Questions (4:38)
W.55 - Booking and Waiting (4:45)
W.56 - Two Week Follow up and Wedding Day (3:30)
W.57 - The Delivery (5:56)
W.58 - Standing Out from the Competition (4:27)
W.59 - Intro to Expanding (0:43)
W.60 - Raising Your Prices (5:36)
W.61 - Hiring a Second Shooter (4:39)
W.62 - Upgrading Your Equipment (5:27)
W.63 - Money Managing Tips for Videographers (4:56)
W.64 - How to Respectfully Shoot in the Bridal Suite (For Men) (5:20)
W.65 - How to Respectfully Shoot in the Groom's Suite (For Women) (3:02)
W.66 - Shooting The Dress Shot with Integrity (For Men) (2:32)
W.67 - What Happens If I Mess Up a Shot (4:11)
W.68 - What if the Bride is Not Happy With The Video (2:25)
W.69 - How To Set Up Your Social Media Accounts (3:23)
W.70 - Setting Up Paid Advertisements (Facebook) (5:48)
W.71 - Setting Up Paid Advertisements (Instagram) (4:27)
W.72 - Outro (1:34)
Full Wedding - The Duke Mansion | Courtney + Will (4:21)
Full Wedding - Emerald Lake | Brittany + Chase (6:37)
Full Wedding - Copper Ridge | Brittany + Austin (7:00)
Full Wedding - Alaska | Ryan + Josiah (9:05)
Wedding Cinema Course - Quiz
Real Estate Cinema Course - Taught by Logan Allen and Kendyl Bradley
RE.1 - Introduction (0:48)
RE.2 - How To Get A Client (4:36)
RE.3 - Questions To Ask Your Client (4:49)
RE.4 - Client's Ideas VS Your Ideas (3:33)
RE.5 - Planning The Shoot (3:06)
RE.6 - How To Get Recurring Clients (3:22)
RE.7a - What To Charge (4:10)
RE.7b - Budget Calculator (3:32)
RE.8 - How To Stay Relevant In a Saturated Market (3:23)
RE.9 -Getting Started (3:29)
RE.10 - Planning For Chaos (3:25)
RE.11 - Working With Actors/Agents (1:33)
RE.12 - Highlighting Certain Aspects of the Estate (1:46)
RE.13 - Common Real Estate Mistakes And How To Avoid Them (2:26)
RE.14 - Sending The Video (3:54)
RE.15 (Production) - Typical Shoot Day Overview (5:33)
RE.16 (Production) - Essential Equipment (4:05)
RE.17 (Production) - Camera Movements (4:25)
RE.18 (Production) - Interior Camera Settings (4:07)
RE.19 (Production) - Filming Interiors (8:52)
RE.20 (Production) - Exterior Camera Settings (1:21)
RE.21 (Production) - Filming Exteriors (2:13)
RE.22 (Production) - Drone Tips (3:03)
RE.23 (Production) - Drone Movements (1:45)
RE.24 (Production) - FULL JOB SHADOW (40:43)
RE.25 (Editing) - Footage Organization (2:40)
RE.26 (Editing) - Editing Workflow (9:20)
RE.27 (Editing) - Adding Transitions (4:23)
RE.28 (Editing) - Music (4:28)
RE.29 (Editing) - Color Correction (3:20)
RE.30 (Editing) - Adding Sound Effects (2:09)
RE.31 (Editing) - Adding Lower Thirds/Graphics (5:43)
RE.32 (Editing) - Exporting (2:56)
Product Video Cinema Course - Taught by Heather Maione
PV.1 - Welcome Video (1:57)
PV.2 - What is Product Video (9:14)
PV.3 - Gear Recommendations (7:27)
PV.4 - Lighting Recommendations (5:14)
PV.5 - Intro to Technical Section (0:59)
PV.6 - White Balance (7:14)
PV.7 - Frame Rates (7:28)
PV.8 - Exposure (8:22)
PV.9 - How to Balance the Ronin S (13:29)
PV.10 - Setting Up Your Ronin S (5:38)
PV.11 - 5 Tips For Smooth Handheld Footage (4:12)
PV.12 - Planning Your Shoot (5:48)
PV.13 - Lighting Pt 1 (15:25)
PV.14 - Lighting Pt 2 (10:12)
PV.15 - Natural Lighting (7:25)
PV.16 - Adding Detail+Interest to Products (4:42)
PV.17 - Recording SFX (2:56)
PV.18 - Creative Shots and Tools (3:43)
PV.19- Focal Length (5:49)
PV.20 - Creating Emotions and Depth (6:43)
PV.21 - Adding or Removing Details (7:21)
PV.22 - Getting Creative (5:29)
PV.23 - Rules Of Composition (8:45)
PV.24 - Tripod Movements (3:00)
PV.25 - Slider Movements (1:53)
PV.26 - Handheld Movements (1:18)
PV.27 - Gimbal Movements (1:59)
PV.28 - Data Management (4:38)
PV.29 - Import + New Project (3:30)
PV.30 - Keyboard Shortcuts (7:53)
PV.31 - First Cull (1:43)
PV.32 - Second Cull (2:02)
PV.33 - Music + SFX (6:23)
PV.34 - Speed + Stabilization (5:13)
PV.35 - Color Correction (6:08)
PV.36 - Color Grading (5:16)
PV.37 - Final Tweaks (9:23)
PV.38 - Export Settings (3:19)
PV.39 - Job Shadow (Celsius) (10:14)
PV.40 - Job Shadow (Think Tank) (9:30)
PV.41 - (BONUS) Improving Filmmaking Fast (4:00)
PV.42 - (BONUS) Common Product Video Mistakes (6:14)
Travel Video Cinema Course - Taught By Jesse Foy
TV.1 - My Name is Jesse (2:48)
TV.2 - How to Land Travel Clients (6:07)
TV.3 - Planning (PART 1) (6:26)
TV.4 - Planning (Part 2) (3:59)
TV.5 - Scheduling (2:10)
TV.7 - Details (2:51)
TV.8 - Camera Movement (2:04)
TV.9 - Storytelling (2:30)
TV.10 - Shoot for the Edit (2:26)
TV.11 - Directing Talent (1:40)
TV.12 - Color Profile (1:27)
TV.13 - Communicating with Your Client (2:38)
TV.14 - Essential Equipment (4:11)
TV.15 - Camera Settings (4:38)
TV.16 - What's in my Bag (3:59)
TV.17 (EDITING) - Organization (5:07)
TV.18 (EDITING) - Picking Music (5:34)
TV.19 (EDITING) - Basic Editing Part 1 (14:32)
TV.20 (EDITING) - Basic Editing Part 2 (11:59)
TV.21 (EDITING) - Sound effects (8:00)
TV.22 (EDITING) - Color Correction (5:40)
TV.23 (EDITING) - Title And Wrap-up (12:08)
TV.24 (JOB SHADOW) - Destin Florida Highlight Reel (24:00)
TV.25 (Travel Video) - Destin Florida Highlight Reel (1:00)
TV.26 (Travel Video) - "Why I Travel" (4:24)
TV.27 (Travel Video) - ACTS Africa 2020 (2:19)
TV.28 (Travel Video) - St. George's Caye Resort (1:23)
TV.29 (Travel Video) - Into The Unknown (0:23)
Music Video Cinema Course - Taught By Isaac Deitz
MV.1 - Intro (1:07)
MV.2 - My Story (2:28)
MV.3 - Getting Started (3:01)
MV.4 - Practicing/Covers (4:50)
MV.5 - Finding a Band (7:02)
MV.6 - 8 Cups of Picking a Job (4:02)
MV.7 - Questions to Ask Your Client (4:58)
MV.8 - Clients Ideas Verses Your Ideas (6:03)
MV.9 - Coming Up With An Idea (3:13)
MV.10 - Treatments (9:55)
MV.11 - Pricing and Budgeting (4:20)
MV.12 - Creative Spending (4:54)
MV.13 - Producing (3:22)
MV.14 - Shotlisting (9:19)
MV.15 - Story Verses Poetic Visuals (3:23)
MV.16 - Soveit Montage Theory (7:16)
MV.17 - Study The Music Videos You Like (2:41)
MV.18 - 5 Aspects of a Good Video (6:13)
MV.19 - 3 Goals When Making a Music Video (3:19)
MV.20 - Knowing The Bands Audience (3:45)
MV.21 - Plan For Chaos (4:05)
MV.22 - Slow Motion (2:57)
MV.23 - Working With Bands and Labels (6:34)
MV.24 - Working With Non-Labels (2:59)
MV.25 - Issacs Checklist (6:36)
MV.26 - Releasing The Video (3:32)
MV.27 - Live Videos/Concerts (7:00)
MV.28 - Storytelling (2:27)
MV.29 - Renting Verses Buying Equipment (3:12)
MV.30 - What You Need To Get Started (4:11)
MV.31 - What To Charge (3:29)
MV.32 - Outro (1:07)
MV.33 - JOB SHADOW - Cray Button (Full Behind The Scenes) (80:05)
MV.34 - JOB SHADOW - FAKIN (Full Behind The Scenes) (83:59)
MV.35 - JOB SHADOW - Out Of This World (Full Behind The Scenes) (48:21)
Family Force 5 - Zombie (2012) (4:30)
Family Force 5 - Cray Button Feat. Lecrae (2012) (4:31)
Abandon Kansas - Marching Around Me (2013) (3:47)
Lecrae - FAKIN Feat. Thi'sl (2013) (4:10)
Lecrae - Welcome to America (2015) (4:25)
Andy Mineo - Herman Miller (2021) (1:57)
Directing Cinema Course - Taught By Dallas Jenkins
DC.1 - Intro (1:19)
DC.2 - My Story (18:40)
DC.3 - What is a Director (3:26)
DC.4 - A Director is a Psychologist (4:16)
DC.5 - Getting Started (3:10)
DC.6 - How to Stay Calm Under Pressure (11:18)
DC.7 - How to be a Leader on Set (9:03)
DC.8 - Communicating Your Vision (8:09)
DC.9 - Working with a DP (6:36)
DC.10 - Working With Your Crew (5:22)
DC.11 - Using Storyboards vs Not (3:38)
DC.12 - Working with Non Actors (3:24)
DC.13 - Background Actors (4:54)
DC.14 - Working with Children (2:10)
DC.15 - Working with Your Main Actors (5:29)
DC.16 - Directing Difficult Actors (9:56)
DC.17 - What Not to say to An Actor (6:59)
DC.18 - How to Deal with Problems on Set (3:56)
DC.19 - How to Plan for Chaos (6:37)
DC.20 - Directing Your Project vs Someone Else's Project (1:30)
DC.21 - Directing Feature Films, Short films, TV Series (1:17)
DC.22 - How to Market Yourself as a Director (2:42)
DC.23 - How to Choose Your Crew (3:37)
DC.24 - Keeping Morale Up on Set (3:36)
DC.25 - Dealing with Depression After a Failed Project (3:26)
DC.26 - Common Mistakes Directors Make (2:04)
DC.27 - Advice for Beginning Directors (4:47)
DC.28 - Outro (2:01)
DC.29 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 1 - Beth Midrash (24:13)
DC.30 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 1 - Sychar Synagogue (30:27)
DC.31 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 2 - Marketplace (26:13)
DC.32 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 2 - Jesus Teaches (21:15)
DC.33 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 3 - Sychar Street (33:23)
DC.34 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 3 - Nadim's House (17:38)
DC.35 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 4 - Inn (39:27)
DC.36 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 4 - Jesus Meets Nathanael (28:26)
DC-37 (FULL BEHIND THE SCENES) Day 5 - Nathanael's House (39:45)
Timelapse and Hyperlapse Cinema Course by Scott Herder
GEAR - 1.1 What Camera To Buy for Hyperflow (8:04)
GEAR - 1.2 Lenses (7:29)
GEAR - 1.3 Tripod, Gimbal, Slider - Stabilizers (3:09)
GEAR - 1.4 Accessories (2:37)
TECHNICAL - 2.x Generic Intervalometer (1:44)
TECHNICAL - 2.x HFD (2:45)
TECHNICAL - 2.x Sony Intervalometer Demo (1:56)
PLANNING - Working With Your Client (4:39)
PLANNING - Planning Your Shot (13:02)
SHOOTING - 3.1 13 Tips for Better Time-Lapses (8:51)
SHOOTING - 3.2 Shoot Timelapse Start to Finish (3:44)
SHOOTING - 3.3 After Effects Only Workflow (2:17)
SHOOTING - 3.4 Editing with LRTimelapse (5:32)
SHOOTING - 3.5 Exporting Using LRTimelapse (1:38)
SHOOTING - 3.6 Shooting a Holy Grail (3:20)
SHOOTING - 3.7 Editing a Holy Grail Part 2 (9:31)
SHOOTING - 3.8 How to Blend Timelapse + Video (4:02)
SHOOTING - 3.9 Real World Test Finding Fastest Workflow and Why (5:01)
SHOOTING - 4.1 Intro to Hyperlapse (0:43)
SHOOTING - 4.2 Hand held Hyperlapse (6:12)
SHOOTING - 4.3 Shooting a HL on a Gimbal (6:06)
SHOOTING - 4.4 Tracking Moving Objects (3:03)
VFX - 5.1 After Effects Intro (5:36)
VFX - 5.2 Point and Warp (5:42)
VFX - 5.3 Point and Rotation (2:20)
VFX - 5.4 Tracking Data Gets Blocked (1:34)
VFX - 2 Methods for Getting Rid of Dust (4:55)
VFX - 3d Camera Explained (6:37)
VFX - 3d Camera Tilt Down Explained (5:57)
TRANSITIONS - Baker Smooth Zoom Transition (6:38)
TRANSITIONS - How to Stabilize a Shaky Timelapse (0:59)
TRANSITIONS - Hyperzoom Transition (11:13)
TRANSITIONS - Match Cuts (3:46)
TRANSITIONS - Motion Bro Transitions (5:34)
TRANSITIONS - Screen Replacement Mocha AE (5:11)
TRANSITIONS - Whip Transitions (3:17)
TRANSITIONS - Wipe Transitions (4:32)
Scotland Live Edit 1 (9:38)
Scotland Live Edit 2 (11:04)
Scotland Live Edit 3 (4:40)
Scotland Live Edit 4 (10:21)
Scotland Live Edit 5 (4:09)
Moon book Edit (Shooting) (3:05)
Moon book Edit (Editing) (4:31)
Moon book Edit (VFX) (19:38)
Short Film Cinema Course - Taught By Isaac Deitz
SF.1 - Introduction (1:15)
SF.2 - My Story (3:09)
SF.3 - Make a Short Film Now (2:56)
SF.4 - So You Have an Idea (2:02)
SF.5 - Writing (4:15)
SF.6 - Finding a Producer (3:42)
SF.7 - Setting a Budget (2:55)
SF.8 - Raising Funds (4:17)
SF.9 - Creative Spending (8:21)
SF.10 - Hiring a Crew (7:34)
SF.11- How to Cast Actors (5:09)
SF.12 - Auditions (2:52)
SF.13 - Location Scouting (5:43)
SF.14 - Shotlisting (6:05)
SF.15 - Crafty (5:04)
SF.16 - Catering (3:31)
SF.17 - Planning The Day (7:10)
SF.18 - Call sheets (7:32)
SF.19 - Personal Prep (3:57)
SF.20 - Being a DP Verses Workin with a DP (4:51)
SF.21 - Directing (6:12)
SF.22 - Preparing for Problems (3:10)
SF.23 - How to Keep People Happy (1:15)
SF.24 - Wearing Multiple Hats (2:18)
SF.25 - Paying Your Crew (4:28)
SF.26 - Editing (3:54)
SF.27 - Credits (2:33)
SF.28 - Releasing The Video (3:09)
SF.29 - (SHORT FILM) - The Staying Kind (20:40)
SF.30 - (FULL Behind The Scenes) - The Staying Kind (161:38)
Acting Cinema Course - Taught by Bruce Marchiano
A.1 - Introduction (7:27)
A.2 - Foundations (8:47)
A.3 - How to Get Started (12:58)
A.4 - Business 101: Headshots (6:16)
A.5 - Go Character (2:15)
A.6 - Resume/Special Skills (3:22)
A.7 - Your Demo Reel (3:49)
A.8 - Casting Platforms (2:13)
A.9 = Christian Casting Platforms (2:19)
A.10 - Business: Summary (2:19)
A.11 - The Audition Room (5:57)
A.12 - Controlling Your Factors (4:25)
A.13 - What to Expect (6:20)
A.14 - How to Present Yourself (4:13)
A.15 - Practical Tips for the Audition Room (3:42)
A.16 - Auditioning For a Christian Film (3:23)
A.17 - My Casting Experience (6:45)
A.18 - The Audition Room: Summary (2:12)
A.19 - Cold Readings, Part 1 (6:36)
A.20 - Cold Readings, Part 2 (6:34)
A.21 - Cold Readings: Summary (2:52)
A.22 - Set Etiquette (9:31)
A.23 - Do's and Don'ts on Set (8:49)
A.24 - Setting Some Ground Rules (5:22)
A.25 - What Great Film Acting is All About (6:47)
A.26- Keys to Great Film Acting: Listening (12:43)
A.27 - Keys to Great Film Acting: Use Your Personality (11:06)
A.28 - Keys to Great Film Acting: Subtext (8:41)
A.29 - Keys to Great Film Acting: Preparation (3:39)
A.30 - Practical Tips on Preparation (7:31)
A.31- Building Rich Subtext (9:28)
A.32- Motivation (10:00)
A.33 - Finding Emotion (10:22)
A.34 - Developing Your Character (8:39)
A.35 - Practical Tips on Developing Your Character (4:58)
A.36 - Basics of Comedy (8:48)
A.37 - Walk-On Roles (11:12)
A.38 - Tricks of the Trade (14:22)
A.39 - My Personal Checklist (10:19)
A.40 - Advice from the Greats (13:32)
A.41 - Avoiding Temptation in Hollywood (7:55)
A.42 - A Fatherly Chat (8:14)
A.43 - Thank you (2:34)
Acting Cinema Course - Quiz
Mobile Filmmaking Cinema Course - Taught By Blake Calhoun
SP.1 - Welcome (Smart Phone Cinematography) (1:05)
SP.2 - Things to Know Before We Start (1:31)
SP.3 - How We Define Cinematography (0:49)
SP.4 - The Cinematographer and Key Crew (2:16)
SP.5 - Working On Different Types of Video Projects (3:24)
SP.6 - Composition and Framing Overview (7:20)
SP.7 - Smart Phone- The Rule of Thirds (7:36)
SP.8 - Smart Phone- Static and Centered (4:26)
SP.9 - Smart Phone- Dynamic (1:54)
SP.10 - Framing. High Angle (3:09)
SP.11 - Framing. Low Angle (3:18)